
Bosnia: Examination demanded of the 19,473 accomplices of the war criminals of Srebrenica and the removal of all state officials who were involved

The police chief of the Republika Srpska must be discharged

An international special commission must examine and discharge from office at last the 19,473 Serbs from Serbia and Bosnia who were directly or indirectly involved in the massacre of Srebrenica, who are still occupying public office without let or hindrance. This demand was made on Wednesday by the Society for Threatened Peoples International following the publication of a list with the names of those involved by the government commission and working party responsible for the investigation of the massacre. The human rights organisation, whose Bosnian GfbV section has offices in Sarajevo and Srebrenica, also demanded the immediate removal from office of the present police chief of the Serb constituent republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dragan Andan. He was a close associate of the Serb general, Ratko Mladic, who was chiefly responsible for the mass shootings in Srebrenica.


"The victims associations of the women of Srebrenica have no confidence that the public prosecutor of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the UN Tribunal at Den Haag will proceed quickly and unburocratically against the criminals” said the President of the GfbV International, Tilman Zülch. "They take it that as in the past only a few of the war criminals will be brought to justice and that the town of Srebrenica, the surrounding Drina region and the half of Bosnia which is occupied by the Serbs will continue to be dominated by the criminals. Nevertheless progress can be seen in the fact that the government working party of eight has admitted that many members of the armed forces and of the special forces of the Serb Ministry of the Interior (MUP) took part in the crime.” The working party consists of seven Serb-Bosnian well-known personages and the renowned Bosnian-Muslim genocide researcher Smail Cekic. Meanwhile the names of 8,106 Bosniak men and youths are known, who were murdered in July 1995. "The approximately 4,500 people who have returned to Srebrenica, who have almost all lost relatives through the massacre. According to the estimates of the GfbV there are still almost 500 persons occupying public office in what is today Serb-controlled East Bosnia.