
Appointment of Wolfgang Ischinger as Kosovo representative of the EU is a "regrettable mistake”


The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called today the appointment of Wolfgang Ischinger, the German ambassador in London, to the post of representative of the European Union a "regrettable mistake”. Since he was one of the architects of the Dayton agreement he also shares the blame for the cementing of the so-called ethnic cleansing and so for the division of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is to the present day standing in the way of all political progress in this region, criticised the President of the GfbV International, Tilman Zülch on Wednesday. So Ischinger shares the blame for the maintenance of a mono-ethnic, Serbian nationalistic partial republic, in which to the present day many of those who took part in the genocide of the Bosnian Muslims occupy important positions.


The result of the Dayton agreement was also that one million Bosnian refugees and displaced persons were spread over four continents. Most of them could not return to their native land because they came from the now Serb ruled Republika Srpska. In Bosnia-Herzegovina Muslims, Orthodox, Catholic Christians and Jews had previously lived together for over 500 years.