
After attempt at self-burning investigation into murder demanded


Following a dramatic attempt at self-burning in Yerevan the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on Monday for a rigorous investigation into the murder of a Kurdish Yesidi. "Please do not close your ears to the dramatic cry for help from the family of Kyaram Avdalyan!” is the appeal of the human rights organisation to the Attorney General and the President of Armenia, Aghvan Hovsepyan and Robert Kocharian. "An independent commission must quickly investigate the murder of the father of five of 6th November 2006 and bring the real murderer to justice.” The 68-year old mother and three sons of the victim had set themselves alight on 7th December 2006 in the middle of the capital in front of the palace of the President. The mother and one son were admitted to hospital with burns and two sons remained unhurt.


The 42-year old Yesidi, Kyaram Avdalyan, was beaten to death in the village of Zovuni in the north-east of Armenia according to his relatives by five Armenians from the neighbouring village. The mayor of the neighbouring village, Lchaschen, is said to be involved and chiefly responsible for the murder. The office of the public prosecutor had simply arrested another suspect, who according to the family had nothing to do with the murder. To emphasise their protest and mourning the inhabitants of the village of Zovuni went to Yerevan to demonstrate. It was then that the attempt at self-burning took place.


The Yesidi are with 30,000 to 50,000 members the largest minority in Armenia. Many of them live in the country and constantly complain about various forms of discrimination. In the period of post-socialist privatisation of land there were many disputes after 1991 on the distribution of the land. The Yesidi have seen themselves disadvantaged by the administration and accuse the local officials and rich landowners with stealing their pastures and fields.