
1376 Ergebnisse:
951. Menschenrechtssituation_in_Syrien_Society_for_Threatened_Peoples_HRC_Written_Statement_Item_3_Human_Rights_Situation_in_Syria.pdf   … transfer to the International Court of Justice in The Hague was declined by veto powers Russia and China in the UN-Security council. The Stolen Revolution Responsible for a great share of the opposition‘s…  
952. Syrien_Menschenrechtssituation_in_Syrien_Human_Rights_Situation_in_Syria.pdf   … transfer to the International Court of Justice in The Hague was declined by veto powers Russia and China in the UN-Security council. The Stolen Revolution Responsible for a great share of the opposition‘s…  
953. Tibet-China_Menschenrechtssituation_in_Tibet_Human_Rights_Situation_in_TAR_and_adjacent_areas_where_Tibetans_live.pdf   … of the rule of law is one of the major concerns for Tibetan citizens of the People’s Republic of China because it results in the lack of judicial independence and the denial of due process. This is coupled…  
954. Tuerkei_Pressefreiheit_in_der_Tuerkei_Freedom_of_the_Press_in_Turkey.pdf   … journalists have not been in Turkish prisons like they are today. Turkey ranked 154, behind Iraq and China, on the 2012 ratings list for freedom of the press published by „Reports without Borders“. The…  
955. Xinjiang-Ostturkestan-China_Unruhen_in_Xinjiang_188_A_HRC_24_NGO_Sub_En.pdf   … that have taken place in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), the People's Republic of China (PRC) during recent months. Since late March 2013, four major incidents of unrest have occurred,…  
956. Xinjiang-Ostturkestan-China_Verfolgung_von_Ilham_Tohti_People_s_Republic_of_China_s_Harassment_of_Ugyhur_Scholar_a_Setback_for_Freedom_of_Speech.pdf   … the statement title): 5. Indicate the exact TITLE for this statement here: The People's Republic of China's Harassment of Uyghur Scholar a Setback for Freedom of Speech Please make sure that: ? This…  
957. Tibet-China_Einschraenkung_der_Religionsfreiheit_Tibet_Autonomous_Region_and_adjacent_areas_where_Tibetans_live.pdf   … Threatened Peoples urges the Human Rights Council to urge the government of the People’s Republic of China: - - to allow unhindered access to independent observers, including the UN Special Rapporteur on…  
958. Tibet-China_Fehlende_Meinungsfreiheit_Denial_of_freedom_of_opinion__expression_and_information_in_TAR.pdf   … any media and regardless of frontiers.” And also Article 35 of the constitution of People's Republic of China declares “Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of…  
959. Tibet-China_Menschenrechtssituation_von_Tibetern_Denial_of_Tibetan_people_s_on_their_native_Land.pdf   … protests related to environmental negligence and accidents in many parts of the People’s Republic of China, those that occur in the Tibet Autonomous Region and adjacent areas where Tibetans live are classified…  
960. Xinjiang-Ostturkestan-China_Erwzungenes_Verschwindenlassen_von_Uiguren_Impunity_Concerning_Enforced_Disappearances_of_Uyghurs.pdf   … Disappearances of Uyghurs Remains a Blot on the Human Rights Record of the People's Republic of China Please make sure that: ? This statement is in MS WORD document format (Font Times New Roman 10; no…