
7686 Ergebnisse:
7521. After the adoption of the Taiwan Law on Secession in Peking, the EU must motion its intentions to prevent a military strike against Taiwan   On the opening day of the 61st Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in Geneva, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SftP) is sharply criticizing that Europe remains silent about the human…  
7522. Society For Threatened People-International submits to the "International Conference on the Decade of Roma Inclusion” its Memorandum on the issue of lead poisoning of Roma in four IDP camps in Kosovo   On the day of the official launch of the Decade of Roma Inclusion, which takes place on February 2nd, 2005 in Sofia, Bulgaria, the SFTP-International is accusing the UNHCR and the UNMIK of failing…  
7523. After Bosnia and Rwanda: the UN denies that genocide was committed in Westsudan/Darfur   As a human rights organization actively involved year after year with the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, the Society For Threatened Peoples (SFTP)-International deplores the…  
7524. Prospect for German peace politics: Chechnya’s freely elected President Maschadow annunciates a ceasefire   According to the Society for Threatened People (GfbV), German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder should consider the announcement of a unilateral ceasefire by Chechnyan President Aslan Maschadow, who was…  
7525. China’s Long Arm in German Politics   On Sunday, it was announced that the Minister of Economic Affairs Wolfgang Clement cancelled his planned visit to Taiwan under pressure of the Chinese ambassador in BerlinOn Monday, the Society for…  
7526. Federal Chancellor Schröder harms transatlantic relations with his China politics   On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SfTP) reproached Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder for jeopardizing the traditionally good relations with the USA and for provoking resentment in…  
7527. Coming to terms with the past: In Germany, the 40 million victims of Stalinism are largely forgotten   On the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the collective deportation of the Chechen people (February 23rd, 1944), the Society for Threatened Peoples (SfTP) reminds that 40 million people were…  
7528. Armenien-Diskussion am 21. April 2005 im Bundestag – Völkermord anerkennen!   Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Sie werden morgen über den Antrag der CDU/CSU-Fraktion zum "Gedenken anlässlich des 90. Jahrestages des Auftakts zu Vertreibungen und Massakern an den Armeniern am…  
7529. Offener Brief an den Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Herrn Christian Wulff:Mutmaßliche tschetschenische Kriegsverbrecher an der Seite von Putin dürfen in Hannover nicht willkommen sein!   Sehr geehrter Herr Ministerpräsident, am kommenden Sonntag wird Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder gemeinsam mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin die Hannover Messe eröffnen. Bei diesem…  
7530. Internationaler Strafgerichtshof soll gegen sudanesische Regierung und Militär ermitteln   Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag soll jetzt gegen den sudanesischen Präsidenten Omar Hassan al-Bashir, die Mitglieder seiner Regierung sowie die sudanesische Militärführung ermitteln.…