
7686 Ergebnisse:
7231. Indigenous Peoples in Colombia   Society for Threatened Peoples is deeply concerned to know the latest development with respect to indigenous peoples in Colombia; particularly those living in the Southern Zone and the U'wa people,…  
7232. Racial Discrimination   Society for Threatened Peoples would like to draw the attention of the honorable United Nations Commission on Human Rights to the situation of Aborigine peoples in Australia. For several years now,…  
URL: de/news/racial-discrimination-438/
Datum: 02-06-05
7233. Violation of the right to self-determination of the Sahrauis people in Western Sahara   With great concern the Society for Threatened Peoples has observed the continuing standstill of efforts to reinstate the UN peace plan for Western Sahara. We share the concerns of the UN's…  
7234. Indigenous Peoples are calling for a broader representation in the United Nations   The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII), a subsidiary organ of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, had its first meeting May 13 – 24, 2002 in New York. The PFII integrates…  
7235. The situation of displaced persons in Turkey   Society for Threatened Peoples is deeply concerned about the situation of displaced persons from South-East Turkey. Two and a half million internally displaced Kurds are still waiting inside Turkey…  
7236. Roma children in countries applying for EU accession - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland   Although all the above-mentioned countries now have government programmes in place aimed at improving the situation of the Roma minority, encouraged in particular by the negotiations on accession to…  
7237. Violence against Women in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo   Society for Threatened Peoples is appalled by the systematic use of sexual violence as a weapon of war in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Credible testimonies of several hundred victims…  
7238. The Independence of Judiciary in the People’s Republic of China   In his report (E/CN.4/2002/72), the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy regretted that the situation of the independence of the judiciary and the…  
7239. Minority languages in Europe   In the European Union 40 million people speak minority languages. 2001 was the European Year of Languages. As part of this Year of Action the Council of Europe for the first time provided support…  
7240. Large Dams and Development   More than 35.000 large dams have been erected since 1950. The People’s Republic of China alone has built more than 19.000 dams since 1949. India has constructed more than 3.000 since independence.…