
7686 Ergebnisse:
7191. A bombing war to initiate an electoral campaign   On 5 September 1999 Russian armed forces launched a new bombing campaign against the small Caucasian republic of Chechnya. The campaign began three months before elections to the Russian State Duma…  
7192. Chechnya: terror against civilians must not be disregarded!   Ever since the Russian President Wladimir Putin has decided to support the coalition against international terrorism and the policy of the U.S. and NATO against Osama bin Laden, criticism about…  
7193. Afghanistan: safeguarding the survival of the population, enabling democratic reconstruction   American-British air-strikes against Afghanistan. US-President George W. Bush wants to capture Osama bin Laden, the presumed suspect behind the brutal terror attacks in New York and Washington on…  
7194. Effective human rights work is the best weapon against terrorism   Read about peoples, their fate and the work done by the GfbV... Afghanistan – In the eighties the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) conducted impressive campaigns in order to draw attention to…  
7195. Helping the victims of terror worldwide!   Dear Sir or Madam, dear friends, Like the people in many countries and continents all of us have been appalled and disturbed by the awful terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. According to…  
7196. Kurds, Christians, Jews and Bahá-í: persecuted and oppressed in the Middle East   The frantic investigations into the terrible attacks in New York and Washington suggest not only connections to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan. There seem to be trails leading to…  
7197. Uzbekistan: Religious Muslims are facing harsh sentences   In September 2001 the US-State Department has withheld its report on the global situation of religious freedom out of diplomatic consideration. Good terms with prospective partners in the anti-terror…  
7198. Adivasi-Koordination in Germany and Newspaper clippings service on Adivasi issues   If you're interested in The Adivasi-Koordination in Germany or a Newspaper clippings service on Adivasi issues... Adivasi-Koordination in Germany a network of NGOs engaged in human rights and…  
7199. Verschleppter kurdischer Scheich in Syrien ermordet   Das geistliche Oberhaupt der Kurden in Syrien, Scheich Maschuk Al Khznawi, der am 10. Mai von Unbekannten entführt worden war, ist tot. Vertreter der kurdisch-syrischen Yekiti-Partei informierten am…  
7200. Expelled and Impoverished - India's Native Inhabitants   India's native inhabitants ("Adivasi") are fighting to survive. Often pushed off of their land because of industrial projects, they are losing access to their traditional resources. India's…