
7686 Ergebnisse:
6951. Ahwazis   - Nahost - Die Ahwazi sind Araber, die im Südwesten des Irans zuhause sind, vor allem in der Provinz Khuzestan. Sie stellen mit ca. vier Millionen Angehörigen sechs Prozent der iranischen…  
6952. Ahmed Musa und Ulrich Delius bei der Veranstaltung "Darfur, was nun?" am 10.06.09 im Victor Gollancz Haus   Am Mittwoch den 10. Juni um 20 Uhr fand im Victor-Gollancz-Haus in Göttingen unsere Veranstaltung zum Thema "Darfur – Was nun?" statt. GöttingenAm Mittwoch den 10. Juni um 20 Uhr fand im…  
6953. Ahmadiyya-Muslime   - Weltweit- Seit 1969 setzt sich die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) weltweit für verschiedene Minderheiten ein. Weitere Informationen zu den Ahmadiyya-Muslime Header Foto: ©…  
6954. AGB   Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Postfach 2024 37010 Göttingen Email: Telefon: +49 551 499 06 26 Fax: +49 551 580 28 Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Die…  
URL: de/header-menue/online-shop/agb/
Datum: 18-10-18
6955. Again and Again? Never Again!   Memorial Service to Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the UN Convention against Genocide and its author Raphael Lemkin on Tuesday, 9.12.2008 at 11 a.m. in the Berliner Dom (Berlin…  
6956. After the disturbances in Xinjiang / East Turkistan China maligns Uighur human rights workers   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) accused the Chinese government on Monday of systematically maligning Uighur human rights workers in the international media with carefully prepared false…  
6957. After the disturbances in Urumqi - Persecution of Uyghurs in China continues   Eight months after the disturbances in Urumqi of July 2009 the real extent of the sometimes violent conflicts between Uyghurs, Han Chinese and the government security forces is still not clear.…  
6958. After the adoption of the Taiwan Law on Secession in Peking, the EU must motion its intentions to prevent a military strike against Taiwan   On the opening day of the 61st Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in Geneva, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SftP) is sharply criticizing that Europe remains silent about the human…  
6959. After the adoption of the Taiwan Law on Secession in Peking, the EU must motion its intentions to prevent a military strike against Taiwan   On the opening day of the 61st Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in Geneva, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SftP) is sharply criticizing that Europe remains silent about the human…  
6960. After the adoption of the Taiwan Law on Secession in Peking, the EU must motion its intentions to prevent a military strike against Taiwan   On the opening day of the 61st Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in Geneva, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SftP) is sharply criticizing that Europe remains silent about the human…