
7686 Ergebnisse:
6581. Three days after a rebel attack on the Sudanese capital   The Sudanese authorities have reacted to the attack of a rebel movement from Darfur on the capital of Khartoum with a new wave of arrests of Darfuris, reported the Society for Threatened Peoples…  
6582. Three years of empty promises – International community fails to protect the civilian population   "Victims of most severe violations of human rights have a right to protection” (UN World Summit, September 2005) The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) charged the international community on…  
6583. Tiananmen-Mütter fordern Gerechtigkeit   aus: bedrohte völker_pogrom 246, 1/2008Auch 18 Jahre nach der blutigen Niederschlagung der Proteste der Demokratiebewegung auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens in Peking im Juni 1989 fordern…  
6584. Tibet   UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Fifteenth Session (September 2010) Item 2: General Debate - Opening Statement of High Commissioner for Human Rights Statement by Mr. Tenzin S. KAYTA on…  
URL: de/news/tibet-1863/
Datum: 18-09-10
6585. Tibet   Ein essentieller Aspekt eines funktionierenden Menschenrechtssystems, das die Freiheit seiner Mitglieder garantieren kann, ist die Herrschaft des Gesetzes und die Unabhängigkeit der Judikative. Die…  
URL: de/news/tibet-2312/
Datum: 20-02-13
6586. Tibet   - Asien - Brennpunkte Weltweit: Im Schatten großer Kriege Während die sozialen Medien und die internationale Presse sich auf den Kriegsschauplatz Syrien zu konzentrieren scheinen, gibt es fernab…  
6587. Tibet Human rights mustbe the guiding light of German China policies   Göttingen Although the volume of trade with China is growing strongly, the democratic change in the People’s Republic, which was prophesied years ago, has not taken place. The human rights of…  
6588. Tibet-Autonomous-Region_HRC_Statement_February_2018.pdf   A/HRC/37/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2018 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-seventh session 26 February-23 March 2018 Agenda item 4 Human rights…  
6589. Tibet-China_Einschraenkung_der_Religionsfreiheit_Tibet_Autonomous_Region_and_adjacent_areas_where_Tibetans_live.pdf   Human Rights Council: FORM for Submitting an NGO written statements NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC (General, Special or Roster status) may submit written statements to the Human Rights…  
6590. Tibet-China_Fehlende_Meinungsfreiheit_Denial_of_freedom_of_opinion__expression_and_information_in_TAR.pdf   Human Rights Council: Submitting an NGO written statement NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC (General, Special or Roster status) may submit written statements to the Human Rights Council (HRC).…