
7686 Ergebnisse:
6561. The Situation of the Mapuche in Chile   The term Mapuche means "People of the Earth". The Mapuche are the largest aboriginal group in Chile. They originally occupied an area stretching from the Maule region to the Island of Chiloé.…  
6562. The situation of the minorities in Kosovo remains alarming   GöttingenIn particular the humanitarian situation of the Roma, Ashkali and "Egyptians” is catastrophic. In 1999 more than 14,000 of 19,000 houses of the minorities were destroyed. To date only about…  
6563. The Society for Threatened Peoples distances itself decisively from the "National Resistance Council of Iran”   The Society for Threatened Peoples distances itself decisively from the "National Resistance Council of Iran”. It apologises for the invitation in the name of the GfbV of Maryam Rajavi, the…  
6564. The Society for Threatened Peoples pins hopes on Germany in the Human Rights Council   As a member of the new UN Human Rights Council, Germany must use its right to play a leading role in the worldwide achievement of human and minority rights. In the light of Germany’s election in the…  
6565. The Society for Threatened Peoples starts a campaign for an 11-year-old boy from Tibet   More than five years ago on May 17, 1995, Panchen Lama (now 11 years old) was abducted with his parents from Tibet by Chinese security forces. In order to clarify the fate of the "youngest political…  
6566. The spiritual and secular leader of the Yezidi visited Göttingen   On September 24th, 2009, Mir Tahsin Said Beg, the spiritual and secular leader of the worldwide some 800,000Yezidi, visited the international secretariat of "Society of Threatened Peoples” (GfbV) in…  
6567. The world heritage Hasankeyf in the South-east of Turkey must not be destroyed!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) appealed urgently on Wednesday to the German government and the coalition of the two large parties forming it to use their excellent relationships with…  
6568. The Yezidi community in Germany remembers the 336 dead – Head of the Yezidi expected from Iraq   The Yezidi living in Germany are commemorating this Saturday in Lollar near Giessen the victims of the dreadful attack at Sinjar in the north-west of Iraq, in which one year ago 336 Yezidi were…  
6569. Thema Arktis   Der ACIA-Bericht (2004) ist die bislang umfassendste wissenschaftliche Studie zum Klimawandel in der Arktis, in der indigenes und wissenschaftliches Wissen zum Tragen kommt und die Auswirkungen auf…  
URL: de/news/thema-arktis-606/
Datum: 15-09-05
6570. Thema Tschetschenien  
URL: de/news/thema-tschetschenien-595/
Datum: 23-08-05