
7686 Ergebnisse:
6551. The last virgin rainforest area is threatened with destruction by huge agricultural project.   The Indonesian government is planning to implement, in the south-east of the province of Papua, an enormous agricultural project – at the expense of the indigenous peoples. This area has for…  
6552. The Masai struggle against land evictions to make way for big game hunters   In April 2010 thousands of Masai women demonstrated in the provincial capital of Ngorongo. They were taking a stand against their eviction and the armed seizure of their lands. The semi- nomadic…  
6553. The Olympic Games are stirring up violence in north-west China   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) warned on Monday of an escalation of violence in the region of Xinjiang (East Turkistan) in the north-west of China. "That the losers there are the Uighurs…  
6554. The Operation "Anfal” is only part of the crimes of genocide   "The Operation 'Anfal', central point of the prosecution, is only part of the crimes of genocide against the Kurds, the Kurdish-speaking Yezidi, the Assyro-Chaldaeans and the Turkmans of North…  
6555. The Prizewinners 2005   The Prizewinners of 2005 GöttingenSergej Adamowitsch Komaljow (born 02.03.1930) was first noticed by the Soviet authorities in 1956. Back then, he was protesting against the military intervention…  
URL: de/news/the-prizewinners-2005-579/
Datum: 03-07-05
6556. THE QUESTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS IN TIBET   The tragedy of Tibet, as is well known, stems from more than 40 years of military occupation and colonial rule by the People’s Republic of China. This undeniable fact must form part of any…  
6557. The right of development for minorities in the Southern Sudan   The question of the right of development is not only an issue of individual economic well-being but also that of collective development. This is particularily true for the different ethnic minorities…  
6558. The Right to Development versus Indigenous Rights   The Society for Threatened Peoples International wishes to bring the alarming situation of indigenous peoples in the State of Sarawak in Malaysia to the attention of the Commission on Human Rights.…  
6559. The right to self-determination of the Saharawi people and the UN peace plan   The U.N. Security Council expressed in a resolution which has been unanimously approved on July 30, 2002, its determination to "secure a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution which…  
6560. The situation of displaced persons in Turkey   Society for Threatened Peoples is deeply concerned about the situation of displaced persons from South-East Turkey. Two and a half million internally displaced Kurds are still waiting inside Turkey…