
7686 Ergebnisse:
6201. Ukraine_HRC_Statement_February_2016.pdf   United Nations General Assembly A/HRC/31/NGO/X Distr.: General XX February 2016 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-first session Agenda item 5 Human rights bodies and mechanisms Written…  
6202. Democratic_People’s_Republic_of_Korea_HRC_Statement_August_2016.pdf   United Nations General Assembly A/HRC/32/NGO/X Distr.: General XX May 2016 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-second session Agenda item 4 Human rights situations that require the Council’s…  
6203. Sri_Lanka_HRC_Statement_May_2016.pdf   United Nations General Assembly A/HRC/32/NGO/X Distr.: General XX May 2016 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-second session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights,…  
6204. Mauritania_HRC_Statement_Slavery_August_2016.pdf   A/HRC/33/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX August 2016 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-third session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights,…  
6205. Myanmar_HRC_Statement_Rohingya_August_2016.pdf   A/HRC/33/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX August 2016 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-third session Agenda item 4 Human rights situations that require the…  
6206. Afghanistan_HRC_Statement_Shiite_Hazara_August_2017.pdf   A/HRC/36/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX August 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-sixth session 11-29 September 2017 Agenda item 4 Human rights situations…  
6207. Albinism__HRC_Statement_August_2017.pdf   A/HRC/36/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX August 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-sixth session 11-29 September 2017 Agenda item 4 Human rights situations…  
6208. Brazil_HRC_Statement_Indigenous_Peoples_May_2017.pdf   A/HRC/35/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX May 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-five session Agenda item 4 Human rights situations that require the Council’s…  
6209. Albinism_HRC_Statement_February_2017.pdf   A/HRC/34/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-four session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights,…  
6210. Burundi_HRC_Statement_February_2017.pdf   A/HRC/34/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-four session Agenda item 4 Human rights situations that require the…