
7686 Ergebnisse:
6181. Chaldaean priest abducted after visit to Germany   Disturbing news have reached the Society for Threatened Poeples (GfbV) from Iraq: Since last Sunday the 34-year old Chaldaean priest, Douglas Al Bazy, has been missing from the St Elias Parish in…  
6182. Chakma   - Asien - Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) setzt sich seit 1969 für die verfolgten ethnischen und religiösen Minderheiten in Asien ein. Weitere Informationen zu den Chakma Header…  
Datum: 14-11-18
6183. Central_African_Republic_HRC_February_2017.pdf   A/HRC/34/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-four session Agenda item 10 Technical assistance and capacity-building …  
6184. Central-African-Republic_HRC_Statement_February_2018.pdf   A/HRC/37/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2018 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-seventh session 26 February-23 March 2018 Agenda item 4 Human rights…  
6185. Censure comparison of DOSB General Director is "arrogant”   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on the General Director of the German Olympic Sports Association (DOSB), Michael Vesper, on Wednesday to apologize for his "arrogant censure…  
6186. CDU Refugee Policy is merciless   "Merciless CDU refugee policies make a mockery of Christian principles of brotherly love" - No deportation of persons with long-term permits of residence and their children who have grown up in…  
6187. Catholic priest dies after pogrom-like attacks   On Tuesday evening the Catholic priest Bernhard Digal died of the severe injuries inflicted on him in pogrom-like attacks by radical Hindus in the federal state of Orissa on 24th August 2008. The…  
6188. Case of appeal against death penalty of journalist Parvez Kaambakhsh ends in an unjust trial with sentence of 20 years imprisonment   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) termed as unjust the sentence of 20 years imprisonment against the Afghan journalist Parvez Kaambakhsh by a court of appeal in Kabul today Tuesday. "This is…  
6189. Canada’s Indians call for effective measures against the crisis in their communities   With a mass of non-violent vigils, demonstrations, press conferences and other public campaigns the Canadian Indians intend today to draw attention to their dramatically bad situation. "They are…  
6190. Calling a halt to the persecution of Muslims and Christians in Pakistan   The Taliban terror regime in Afghanistan provokes outrage throughout the world. However, neighboring Pakistan, the last alliance partner with the extremist Taliban, persecutes Muslims and Christians…