
7686 Ergebnisse:
161. Federal Chancellor Schröder harms transatlantic relations with his China politics   On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SfTP) reproached Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder for jeopardizing the traditionally good relations with the USA and for provoking resentment in…  
162. China’s Long Arm in German Politics   On Sunday, it was announced that the Minister of Economic Affairs Wolfgang Clement cancelled his planned visit to Taiwan under pressure of the Chinese ambassador in BerlinOn Monday, the Society for…  
163. Prospect for German peace politics: Chechnya’s freely elected President Maschadow annunciates a ceasefire   According to the Society for Threatened People (GfbV), German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder should consider the announcement of a unilateral ceasefire by Chechnyan President Aslan Maschadow, who was…  
164. After Bosnia and Rwanda: the UN denies that genocide was committed in Westsudan/Darfur   As a human rights organization actively involved year after year with the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, the Society For Threatened Peoples (SFTP)-International deplores the…  
165. Society For Threatened People-International submits to the "International Conference on the Decade of Roma Inclusion” its Memorandum on the issue of lead poisoning of Roma in four IDP camps in Kosovo   On the day of the official launch of the Decade of Roma Inclusion, which takes place on February 2nd, 2005 in Sofia, Bulgaria, the SFTP-International is accusing the UNHCR and the UNMIK of failing…  
166. After the adoption of the Taiwan Law on Secession in Peking, the EU must motion its intentions to prevent a military strike against Taiwan   On the opening day of the 61st Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in Geneva, the Society for Threatened Peoples (SftP) is sharply criticizing that Europe remains silent about the human…  
167. In spite of the Release of the Bishop of Mosul: The Mass Flight of the Assyro-Chaldean Christians is not to be stopped.   The release of the kidnapped highest bishop of the Syrian Catholic Church in Mosul, Basilius Georg Qasmusa, will not be able to stop the mass flight in panic of Assyro-Chaldean Christians from…  
168. Please do not extradite the Kurdish politician Nuriye Kesbir and grant her a fair trial in The Netherlands   Dear Sir, Your government intends to extradite the kurdish politician Nuriye Kesbir to the Republic of Turkey. The High Court of the Netherlands some months ago did not object to the pending…  
169. Proposed lifting of EU embargo on arms sales to China an affront to the victims' memory   On Thursday, the 15th anniversary of the 4 June 1989 massacre in Beijing's Square of Heavenly Peace, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) / Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and members of the…  
170. Bundesregierung soll internationale Friedenstruppe für Darfur fordern   Am Vortag der Sudan-Debatte im Bundestag hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) dringend an die Bundesregierung appelliert, von den Vereinten Nationen den sofortigen Einsatz einer…