
1376 Ergebnisse:
1271. China: Verfolgte uigurische Flüchtlinge vor Abschiebung schützen   …Aus China geflohene Uiguren müssen besser vor Abschiebung geschützt werden.  
1272. Weltweiter Aktionstag für besseren Schutz nordkoreanischer Flüchtlinge in China   … Besorgt über die dramatische Zunahme der Zahl rechtloser Flüchtlinge aus Nordkorea in China hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Mittwoch an Außenminister Joschka Fischer appelliert, sich für einen…  
1273. After the disturbances in Xinjiang / East Turkistan China maligns Uighur human rights workers   … peace in Xinjiang (East Turkistan) or reconciliation between the ethnic groups in the north-west of China.” Chinese media had reported that the World Congress of Uighurs had asked the Dalai Lama for…  
1274. Europe’s cosmetics manufacturers must prohibit trade with parts of the body of persons executed in China!   … manufacturers must do all they can to prohibit the trade with parts of the body of those executed in China. This demand was made by the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) on the International Day against the…  
1275. China und Russland höhlen Menschenrechtsschutz in den Vereinten Nationen aus   …Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) wirft China und Russland vor, systematisch den Schutz der Menschenrechte in den Vereinten Nationen (UN) auszuhöhlen.  
1276. Google flirting with the totalitarian regime of China   … accused the Internet search engine Google on Wednesday with supporting the totalitarian regime of China with "opportunist self-censorship”. "If Google now shares in the construction of a digital Chinese wall…  
URL: de/news/google-flirting-with-the-totalitarian-regime-of-china-3009/
Datum: 26-01-06
Prozentuale Relevanz: 68
1277. US court grants appeal of Uighur Guantanamo detainee from China -- Europe must now provide refuge   … the finding of a US court of appeal on Monday, which stated that the classification of a Uighur from China held in the US prison-camp Guantanamo as an "enemy fighter" was invalid. The judgement makes it clear…  
1278. German Olympia Sports Association glosses over the human rights situation in China   … German Olympia Sports Association (DOSB) on Friday of glossing over the human rights situation in China. "When the DOSB director general, Michael Vesper, speaks, in spite of constant new arrests and…  
1279. Olympic Games have stirred up violations of human rights in China   … Republic any more liberal. On the contrary: they have stirred up more violations of human rights in China”, said the GfbV Asia expert, Ulrich Delius. None of the promises made by Peking before the contests…  
1280. TERMIN: Politiker und Menschenrechtler würdigen in China inhaftierten Uiguren   … und führende bayerische Politikerinnen und Politiker an das Schicksal des vor zwei Jahren in China in einem unfairen Gerichtsverfahren zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilten uigurischen Wirtschaftsprofessor…