
7686 Ergebnisse:
7191. Vietnam_Khmer_Krom_und_Hmong_in_Vietnam.pdf   Human Rights Council: Submitting an NGO written statement NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC (General, Special or Roster status) may submit written statements to the Human Rights Council (HRC).…  
7192. Vietnam_STP_26th_HRC_Written_Statement_Viet_Nam.pdf   A/HRC/0/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX May 2014 English only Human Rights Council Twenty-sixt session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,…  
7193. Vietnam_Verletzung_der_Religionsfreiheit_in_Vietnam_Violations_of_religious_freedom_in_Vietnam.pdf   Human Rights Council: FORM for Submitting an NGO written statements NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC (General, Special or Roster status) may submit written statements to the Human Rights…  
7194. Vigil of the women from Srebrenica and Bosnia and the Society for Threatened Peoples   on the Vigil of the women from Srebrenica and Bosnia and the Society for Threatened Peoples at The Hague on Monday, 26th February 2007 in front of the ICJ, International Court of Justice, Peace…  
7195. Viktoria Mohacsi über die Lage der Sinti und roma   Viktoria Mohacsi (34) ist ungarische Roma und seit 2004 Europaparlamentarierin in der Fraktion der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten. "bedrohte Völker – pogrom" befragte sie zu ihrer Arbeit im…  
7196. Violation of Human Rights in Ethiopia   Since 1994 Ethiopians have had a democratic constitution that guarantees their country's citizens full civil and human rights. Despite this constitution, which many regard as exemplary, human rights…  
7197. Violation of religious freedom in the People's Republic of China   The Society for Threatened Peoples is particularly concerned at the escalation of the repression directed against the Falun Gong meditation movement. Since March 2000 over 100 members of this group…  
7198. Violation of the right to self-determination of the Sahrauis people in Western Sahara   With great concern the Society for Threatened Peoples has observed the continuing standstill of efforts to reinstate the UN peace plan for Western Sahara. We share the concerns of the UN's…  
7199. Violation of the Rights of Children in Sudan   In spite of the diminished influence of Dr. Hassan el-Turabi, the prominent radical Islamic ideologue, the human rights situation in Sudan has deteriorated in recent years. The incessant large-scale…  
7200. Violations of human rights threaten to escalate in West Papua   Alarmed by support groups for Papua the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) has warned of a deterioration of the human rights situation in West Papua /West New Guinea in the run-up to the…