
1376 Ergebnisse:
1171. The Society for Threatened Peoples starts a campaign for an 11-year-old boy from Tibet   … für bedrohte Völker/GfbV) requested parents and children to stop purchasing toys "Made in China." "We can place a token for human rights in Tibet with this renunciation of toys from China," explained…  
1172. They hunt us Down like animals   … are one of the largest indigenous groups in the Four Corners area where Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and China meet. There are nine million Hmong in China alone, where they are known as the Miao. In multi-ethnic…  
URL: de/news/they-hunt-us-down-like-animals-14/
Datum: 19-10-06
Prozentuale Relevanz: 2
1173. Tiananmen-Mütter fordern Gerechtigkeit   … genaue Hergang und der Umfang der brutalen Niederschlagung der Proteste nicht untersucht werden, weil Chinas Behörden jede unabhängige Recherche über das Massaker verhindern. Ihr Engagement hat Frau Zilin…  
1174. Tibet   … und gerechten Rechtssystems ist eines der wesentlichen Probleme der tibetanischen Minderheit in China und führt zu einem Mangel an richterlicher Unabhängigkeit und der Verweigerung von fairen…  
URL: de/news/tibet-2312/
Datum: 20-02-13
Prozentuale Relevanz: 9
1175. Tibet   … social activism with ad hoc laws or other restrictive measures in countries such as Bahrain, Belarus, China, Egypt, Libya, Panama, Syria, and Tunisia is disturbing.' Mr. President, Human rights defenders’…  
URL: de/news/tibet-1863/
Datum: 18-09-10
Prozentuale Relevanz: 18
1176. Tibet   … 06/2016 50 Jahre Kulturrevolution: Schreckensherrschaft wirkt bis heute fort Vor 50 Jahren begann in China die Kulturrevolution. Sie brachte unendliches Leid über das Land, denn die chinesische Führung unter…  
URL: de/informieren/themen/asien/laender-und-regionen/tibet/
Datum: 14-11-18
Prozentuale Relevanz: 18
1177. Tibet Human rights mustbe the guiding light of German China policies   … Göttingen Although the volume of trade with China is growing strongly, the democratic change in the People’s Republic, which was prophesied years ago, has not taken place. The human rights of Tibetans, Uigurs,…  
1178. Tibet-Autonomous-Region_HRC_Statement_February_2018.pdf   … abbotstraditional heads of the institute. 3. ARBITRARY ARRESTs AND IMPRISONMENT 2 A/HRC/37/NGO/X China’s constitution and criminal law prohibit the use of unlawful search, arbitrary detention and arrest of…  
1179. Tibet-China_Einschraenkung_der_Religionsfreiheit_Tibet_Autonomous_Region_and_adjacent_areas_where_Tibetans_live.pdf   … Threatened Peoples urges the Human Rights Council to urge the government of the People’s Republic of China: - - to allow unhindered access to independent observers, including the UN Special Rapporteur on…  
1180. Tibet-China_Fehlende_Meinungsfreiheit_Denial_of_freedom_of_opinion__expression_and_information_in_TAR.pdf   … any media and regardless of frontiers.” And also Article 35 of the constitution of People's Republic of China declares “Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of…