
1376 Ergebnisse:
301. Menschenrechte werden zum Spielball politischer Machtinteressen – Menschenrechtsrat darf nicht zu Verbrechen in China, Russland und Darfur schweigen!   … International (GfbV) am Montag kritisiert, dass weder die schwerwiegenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China noch in Russland auf der Tagesordnung stehen. "Es spricht nicht für die Glaubwürdigkeit des Rates, wenn…  
302. People’s Republic of China   … consultative status Language: English only Human Rights Council Seventh session 2008-02-20 China announced its plan to invest 100 billion Yuan 180 development projects in the rural areas of the Tibet…  
URL: de/news/peoples-republic-of-china-1223/
Datum: 29-02-08
Prozentuale Relevanz: 59
303. Sudan: No end to impunity for crimes against humanity in Darfur   … war crime suspects and their extradition to the ICC on December 9, 2007 due to blocking votes of China and Qatar. Desperate human rights situation in Darfur In March 2007 a UN fact-finding mission led by…  
304. People’s Republic of China   … consultative status Language: English only Human Rights Council Seventh session 2008-02-20 China announced its plan to invest 100 billion Yuan 180 development projects in the rural areas of the Tibet…  
URL: de/news/peoples-republic-of-china-1229/
Datum: 01-03-08
Prozentuale Relevanz: 59
305. Sudan: No end to impunity for crimes against humanity in Darfur   … war crime suspects and their extradition to the ICC on December 9, 2007 due to blocking votes of China and Qatar. Desperate human rights situation in Darfur In March 2007 a UN fact-finding mission led by…  
306. EU-Waffenembargo gegen China muss bleiben! Frankreich darf Sanktionen nicht in Frage stellen   … Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Dienstag dringend davor gewarnt, das EU-Waffenembargo gegen China aufzuheben. "Das Embargo muss bleiben, sonst wäre nicht nur das demokratische Taiwan in Gefahr, sondern…  
307. Human Rights Council must not keep silent on crimes in China, Russia and Darfur!   … Peoples (GfbV) criticised on Monday the fact that neither the serious violations of human rights in China nor in Russia are on the agenda. "The fact that startling violations of human rights are ignored for…  
308. Human Rights Council must not keep silent on crimes in China, Russia and Darfur!   … Peoples (GfbV) criticised on Monday the fact that neither the serious violations of human rights in China nor in Russia are on the agenda. "The fact that startling violations of human rights are ignored for…  
309. EU arms embargo against China must remain -- France must not question sanctions   … for Threatened Peoples warned urgently on Tuesday against raising the EU arms embargo against China. "The embargo must remain, for otherwise not only would Taiwan be in danger, but also the safety of the…  
310. EU-Waffenembargo gegen China muss bleiben! Frankreich darf Sanktionen nicht in Frage stellen   … Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Dienstag dringend davor gewarnt, das EU-Waffenembargo gegen China aufzuheben. "Das Embargo muss bleiben, sonst wäre nicht nur das demokratische Taiwan in Gefahr, sondern…