
1376 Ergebnisse:
281. Tibet-Autonomous-Region_HRC_Statement_February_2018.pdf   … abbotstraditional heads of the institute. 3. ARBITRARY ARRESTs AND IMPRISONMENT 2 A/HRC/37/NGO/X China’s constitution and criminal law prohibit the use of unlawful search, arbitrary detention and arrest of…  
282. Democratic-Peoples-Republic-of-Korea_HRC_Statement_February_2018.pdf   … the country without permission. CCTV cameras are supervising the barbed wire fences to neighboring China and the number of border guards has increased. Due to the enhanced control the number of defections to…  
283. China_HRC_Statement_Tibetans_May_2017.pdf   … the other in April when an unidentified Tibetan monk self-immolated him on a busy street in Western China. Demolitions and expulsions at the Buddhist Institute of Larung Gar and Yachen Gar since July 2016 are…  
284. Myanmar_HRC_Statement_February_2017.pdf   … reported, causing further displacement. People attempting to flee to neighboring People’s Republic of China are pushed back at the frontier, in violation of the nonrefoulement principle. The international…  
285. China_HRC_Statement_Tibetans_February_2017.pdf   … from the submitting non-governmental organization(s). A/HRC/34/NGO/X Human Rights Situation in China's Tibet Autonomous Region and adjacent regions where Tibetans live shows no sign of Improvement The…  
286. China_HRC_Statement_Tibetans_August_2016.pdf   … on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the self-immolation protests are directly related to China's effort to control religious practice and culture of Tibetans. The Chinese government views these…  
287. China_HRC_Statement_Tibetans_February_2016.pdf   … Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief. Furthermore, the People’s Republic of China being an active member of International community, especially one of the forty- five members of the UN…  
288. China_HRC_Statement_Internet_February_2016.pdf   … received from the submitting non-governmental organization(s). A/HRC/31/NGO/X Tightening of China’s policy dealing with the freedom of the internet Society of Threatened People is highly concerned…  
289. Flüchtlingen drohen in China Gefahren für Leib und Leben   … (GfbV) hat Malaysias Regierung aufgefordert, elf inhaftierte uigurische Flüchtlinge nicht nach China abzuschieben.  
URL: de/news/fluechtlingen-drohen-in-china-gefahren-fuer-leib-und-leben-9022/
Datum: 11-02-18
Prozentuale Relevanz: 68
290. Kein klares Signal für Vorrang von Menschenrechten – Koalitionsvertrag „menschenrechtlich sehr durchwachsen“   … doch der Koalitionsvertrag bietet wenig zu den weltpolitisch bedeutsamen Themen wie der Rolle Chinas, dem Streit um die Expansion der Volksrepublik in Ostasien und der Bedeutung Indiens. China sei kein…