
6811 Ergebnisse:
841. Written Statement - Item 14 (b) of the provisional agenda   … penalty if convicted. According to Iranian and international human rights organisations, at least 81…  
URL: de/news/written-statement-item-14-b-of-the-provisional-agenda-699/
Datum: 05-04-06
Prozentuale Relevanz: 2
842. Written Statement - Item 14 (c) of the provisional agenda   … of Brcko. The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) refuses to believe in the authenticity of these…  
URL: de/news/written-statement-item-14-c-of-the-provisional-agenda-700/
Datum: 05-04-06
Prozentuale Relevanz: 6
843. Written Statement - Item 15 of the provisional agenda   … of the Arctic and suffer from the activities of international companies of the extractive industries. The…  
URL: de/news/written-statement-item-15-of-the-provisional-agenda-701/
Datum: 05-04-06
Prozentuale Relevanz: 4
844. Mehr als 100 Kurden bei kurdischem Neujahrsfest verhaftet   … aus Syrien der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) in Göttingen am Mittwoch mitteilte, habe sich der…  
845. Auch deutsche Giftgas-Firmen müssen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden!   … hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) heute gefordert, auch in Deutschland diejenigen…  
846. German poison gas firms must also be brought to justice!   … humanity the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called today for the those firms to be brought to…  
847. Erneutes Gewaltverbrechen verängstigt Rückkehrer   … Erschüttert muss die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass eine 61 Jahre alte bosniakische…  
848. New act of violence frightens refugees returning home   … The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) has been shocked to hear that a 61-year old Bosnian refugee returning home…  
URL: de/news/new-act-of-violence-frightens-refugees-returning-home-3072/
Datum: 10-04-06
Prozentuale Relevanz: 4
849. Syrian: Kurdish recruit tortured to death   … in Göttingen to the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) the young man complained to his father shortly before…  
850. Indigenous people in the Arctic suffer under climate change   … In fact she frequently speaks up in front of an international audience to demand a greater say of the…