
7686 Ergebnisse:
6621. Syria intends to deport seven Arab-Iranian refugees to Iran!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) is deeply concerned for the lives of seven political refugees of Arab descent from Iran, who some time ago found refuge in Syria and have just recently been…  
6622. Federal German Cabinet discusses Congo operation   European soldiers will not relieve suffering of civilian population That the Congo operation of the German army will not stop the mass dying in the Congo or solve the long-term problems of this…  
6623. "Wenn China Völkermord unterstützt, um sich Rohstoffe zu sichern, darf Europa nicht schweigen, Frau Merkel!"   Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel muss bei ihrer am Sonntag beginnenden China-Reise die Führung in Peking drängen, mehr weltpolitische Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Das hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte…  
6624. Mandaeans in Iraq   Introduction Small religious minorities in Iraq subjected to discrimination and intimidation under the regime of Saddam Hussein have not escaped persecution since his fall from power. The…  
URL: de/news/mandaeans-in-iraq-729/
Datum: 19-05-06
6625. The situation of the minorities in Kosovo remains alarming   GöttingenIn particular the humanitarian situation of the Roma, Ashkali and "Egyptians” is catastrophic. In 1999 more than 14,000 of 19,000 houses of the minorities were destroyed. To date only about…  
6626. Overcoming the division of Bosnia-Herzegovina   GöttingenAlmost eleven years after the end of the war (1992-1995) Bosnia-Herzegovina is still far from a normalisation of the political situation and a stable economic recovery. The Peace Agreement…  
6627. Tibet Human rights mustbe the guiding light of German China policies   Göttingen Although the volume of trade with China is growing strongly, the democratic change in the People’s Republic, which was prophesied years ago, has not taken place. The human rights of…  
6628. Pressing for the rights of all ethnic groups and religious communities!   Göttingen Annual General Meeting of the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) on 13-14th May 2006 in Göttingen The AGM of the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) is concerned about the situation…  
6629. Protection of the Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic   GöttingenThe peoples of the indigenous communities in the Arctic, numbering about 400,000 suffer twice from the hunger for energy of the industrial countries. On the one hand, they are faced with…  
6630. Syrien will sieben arabisch-iranische Flüchtlinge in den Iran deportieren!   Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) ist in großer Sorge um das Leben von sieben politischen Flüchtlingen arabischer Abstammung aus dem Iran, die seit geraumer Zeit in Syrien Zuflucht…