
7686 Ergebnisse:
6961. After protests against tomorrow's Olympic torch-run through Tibet large numbers of Tibetans arrested in Nepal --   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on Friday for the immediate release of 900 Tibetan demonstrators who were arrested on Thursday in Nepal in protests against the Olympic torch-run…  
6962. After murder of four Copts attacks of extremist Muslims escalate against Christians   After the murder of four Coptic Christians in Cairo last Wednesday the tensions between Muslims and Christians in Egypt have increased. The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) reported on Tuesday…  
6963. After Bosnia and Rwanda: the UN denies that genocide was committed in Westsudan/Darfur   As a human rights organization actively involved year after year with the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, the Society For Threatened Peoples (SFTP)-International deplores the…  
6964. After Bosnia and Rwanda: the UN denies that genocide was committed in Westsudan/Darfur   As a human rights organization actively involved year after year with the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, the Society For Threatened Peoples (SFTP)-International deplores the…  
6965. After Bosnia and Rwanda: the UN denies that genocide was committed in Westsudan/Darfur   As a human rights organization actively involved year after year with the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations, the Society For Threatened Peoples (SFTP)-International deplores the…  
6966. After bomb attacks in North Iraq Plebiscite on the Belonging of Yezidi region Sinjar is demanded   After the dreadful attacks against the small Yezidi towns of Til Ezer and Siba Sheikh Khidir near Sinjar in the largest Yezidi region of North Iraq during which about 400 people were killed, the…  
6967. After attempt at self-burning investigation into murder demanded   Following a dramatic attempt at self-burning in Yerevan the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on Monday for a rigorous investigation into the murder of a Kurdish Yesidi. "Please do not…  
6968. Afrin unter türkischer Besatzung   Ein Jahr nach dem völkerrechtswidrigen Angriff auf Afrin halten türkische Truppen die kurdische Region in Nordsyrien weiter besetzt. Die humanitären und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Besatzung…  
6969. Afrin in Nordsyrien ein Jahr unter türkischer Besatzung - Mahnwache vor US-Botschaft und Appell-Übergabe   Angesichts des drohenden Einmarsches türkischer Truppen in den kurdisch verwalteten Nordosten Syriens appelliert die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Donnerstag in Berlin mit einer…  
6970. Afrikas Raif Badawi: Blogger in Mauretanien droht Hinrichtung   Aber wer weiß, wer Mohamed Cheikh Ould M‘Kheitir ist? Viele von uns haben sicherlich vom inhaftierten saudischen Blogger Raif Badawi gehört. Aber wer weiß, wer Mohamed Cheikh Ould M‘Kheitir ist? Ihm…