
7686 Ergebnisse:
7211. Infringement_of_indigenous_rights_in_Brazil_while_attention_is_on_COVID-19_crisis.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7212. Persecution_of_Christians_Focus_on_China__Pakistan_and_India.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7213. Terrorism_leads_to_human_rights_crisis_in_Burkina_Faso.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7214. Institutional_deprivation_of_rights_and_violence_against_indigenous_and_afro-descendant_people_in_Nicaragua.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7215. Roma_in_danger__Hate_speech_and_antiziganism_on_the_rise_in_the_face_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 9 Racism, racial discrimination,…  
7216. The_human_rights_situation_in_North_Korea_remains_dire__as_Kim_Jong-un_reemerges_on_the_political_stage.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7217. The_Republic_of_Turkey_Dealing_with_dissenters_and_minorities.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7218. Crackdown_on_political_activists_in_Algeria_while_COVID-19_is_spreading_rapidly__threatening_especially_prisoners.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 10 Technical assistance and…  
7219. American_Indians_and_Alaska_Natives__AIAN__receive_inadequate_health_care_from_US_authorities_to_ward_off_COVID-19.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…  
7220. Children_born_of_genocidal_rape_in_the_Yazidi_and_Rohingya_communities_need_to_be_recognized_as_victims_of_conflict_in_urgent_need_of_support.pdf   A/HRC/44/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX June 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fouth session June–July 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of…