
7686 Ergebnisse:
7251. Administration of Justice for East Timor   In response to the International Commission of Inquiry (ICI) on East Timor the UN Security Council stated on 18 February 2000 that the perpetrators of gross human rights violations in East Timor…  
7252. Statement on Human Rights in Tibet   1. The gross and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Tibetan people committed by the Chinese authorities continue to be documented. Human rights abuses, indeed, are…  
7253. "Untouchables" on the verge of India’s society – 160 million Dalits resist against discriminating Casteism   The representatives of over 160 million Indian are putting up a strong resistance against vague formulations in the draft final declaration concerning racist discrimination. According to information…  
7254. Five years after the Gulja massacre China is intensifying its repression of Muslims   On the fifth anniversary of the massacre on 5. February 1997 at Gulja in Xinjiang Province, North-western China, on Tuesday Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) / Society for Threatened Peoples…  
7255. German Government must apologise for genocide of the Herero (Namibia)   Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker / Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV/STP) called on the German Parliament and the Federal Government on the occasion of the World Conference against Racism in…  
7256. Slavery in modern Africa must not be put under a taboo!   Facing the beginning of the UN World Conference against Racism in Durban, South Africa, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) / Society for Threatened Peoples accused African states of hypocrisy…  
7257. Human Rights Organisation calls for more support of land reform by the German government   The Society for Threatened Peoples, one of Germany’s leading human rights organisations, has called on the German government to make an extra-effort during this crucial year of commemoration of the…  
7258. The Society for Threatened Peoples starts a campaign for an 11-year-old boy from Tibet   More than five years ago on May 17, 1995, Panchen Lama (now 11 years old) was abducted with his parents from Tibet by Chinese security forces. In order to clarify the fate of the "youngest political…  
7259. To abate Iraq’s depts must not obscure German complicity in mass gassings   The announcement of the german government to abate the depts of Iraq should not obscure Germany's role as the accomplice of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein who is guilty of poison gas attacks,…  
7260. Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker trauert um Beiratsmitglied Carl Amery   Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) beklagt den Verlust von Carl Amery, der mit 83 Jahren am 24. Mai in München starb. Er gehörte 25 Jahre lang dem Beirat der Menschenrechtsorganisation an.…