
7686 Ergebnisse:
7111. Abgeschoben in den Tod   "Mein Bruder sitzt in Abschiebehaft. Was sollen wir tun?" fragt die junge Frau am Telefon. Der 1970 geborene Adlan hatte seit 1994 die Unabhängigkeit Tschetscheniens unterstützt und auch einige…  
7112. Abgesagt: Mahnwache vor dem US-Konsulat in Düsseldorf: Kein Blankoscheck für Erdogan!   Erdogan und seine regionalen und internationalen Unterstützer versuchen die schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Kriegsverbrechen des türkischen Militärs und der islamistischen Söldner in Afrin…  
7113. Ab heute: Südsudan frei und unabhängig - Die GfbV gedenkt der 4 Millionen Opfer   Am morgigen Sonnabend, dem 9. Juli 2011, wird der schwarzafrikanische Südsudan nach 65 Jahren Zugehörigkeit zum Sudan ein unabhängiger Staat. Zehn Millionen Südsudanesen feiern die Selbstständigkeit…  
7114. A wound in Europe   "They stuck needles and burning nails under my fingernails, tortured me with electric shocks, hung me up on the wire door, handcuffed by the hands and feet. My skin was cut with pieces of glass. They…  
URL: de/news/a-wound-in-europe-590/
Datum: 09-08-05
7115. A vague admission of guilt for the Srebrenica massacre is not enough! UN must give themselves up to the judges and pay compensation   On the occasion of the first session in the second Srebrenica case against the Netherlands and the United Nations (UN) at The Hague today, Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) calls…  
7116. A small religious community searches for refuge   The remaining 13,000 Mandaeans in the large towns of Iraq and in the south of the country are in acute danger. There radical Muslims are stirring up the population against people of other religions.…  
7117. A signal judgment of the Federal Administrative Court for Christians from Iraq   With regard to the signal judgment of the Federal Administrative Court Leipzig for Christian refugees from Iraq the Society for Threatened Peoples called on Friday for the members of the small…  
7118. A short guide to Minority Rights in Europe by Thomas Benedikter   This report gives the fundamental definitions and basic terms and offers a brief overview on the figures and features of national minorities, on the major issues of ethnic diversity and on the most…  
7119. A Short Guide to Autonomy in Europe and South Asia   This short guide provides an overview of some of the most relevant cases of autonomy in Europe and South Asia. It sheds light on current developments in autonomous regions, as well as to explore the…  
7120. A series of attacks on churches means that direct help for aid projects for Christian refugees is needed   Following the most recent series of bombings involving six churches in Baghdad last Sunday the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) is calling for direct support for aid projects for Christians who…