
7686 Ergebnisse:
6361. Syria: Kurdish demonstration for the release of political prisoners announced for tomorrow   Two of the Kurdish parties of Syria, the Yekiti (Unity) and the Azadi (Freedom) have announced demonstrations for tomorrow, Thursday, 9th February at 9.30 for the release of 59 Kurdish political…  
6362. Syria: Maschal Tamo is alive!   Maschal Tamo, the Syrian Kurdish human rights activist and correspondent of the Society for Threatened Peoples GfbV), who disappeared ten days ago, has been seen in a court building in Damascus. A…  
6363. Syria: Release of 200 Kurdish political prisoners demanded   It is the third anniversary of the bloody crushing of spontaneous demonstrations of Kurdish civilians in Syria (12^th March 2004) and the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called on Monday for…  
6364. Syrian Kurdish human rights worker is threatened with life imprisonment   Syrian Kurdish human rights worker Mashal Tamo is threatened with life imprisonment and hard labour according to information received by the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV). In accordance with…  
6365. Syrian security forces open fire on peaceful Kurdish demonstrators   On Friday, 2nd November the young Kurd, Isa Khalil, 21, was killed and the two Kurds, Shiyar Khalil and Bilal Said Saleh, severely wounded. About 5000 Kurds had demonstrated in the towns of Kamishli…  
6366. Syrian-Arab-Republic_RegionofAfrin_HRC_Statement_February_2018.pdf   A/HRC/37/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2018 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-seventh session 26 February-23 March 2018 Agenda item 4 Human rights…  
6367. Syrian: Kurdish recruit tortured to death   The 19-year old recruit Mohammed Othman was tortured to death last week during his military service. As a reliable informant reported on Wednesday in Göttingen to the Society for Threatened Peoples…  
6368. Syrian_Arab_Republic_Alevis_and_Yazidis_in_Afrin_threatened_with_extinction.pdf   A/HRC/45/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX August 2020 English only Human Rights Council Forty-fifth session September–October 2020 (TBC) Agenda item 4 Human rights…  
6369. Syrian_Arab_Republic_attacks_conducted_by_the_Turkish_army_need_to_be_denounced_and_Kurds_in_occupied_Afrin_need_to_be_protected_HRC_Statement_2019.pdf   A/HRC/40/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2019 English only Human Rights Council Fortieth session 25 February–22 March 2019 Agenda item 4 Human rights situations…  
6370. Syria_HRC_Statement_February_2017.pdf   A/HRC/34/NGO/X United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General XX February 2017 English only Human Rights Council Thirty-four session Agenda item 4 Human rights situations that require the…