
7686 Ergebnisse:
6671. Indigenous people in the Arctic suffer under climate change   In the whole of the Arctic the indigenous people are already confronted with the catastrophic consequences of the climate change. The results of the warming of the climate affect the safety on their…  
6672. Syrian: Kurdish recruit tortured to death   The 19-year old recruit Mohammed Othman was tortured to death last week during his military service. As a reliable informant reported on Wednesday in Göttingen to the Society for Threatened Peoples…  
6673. New act of violence frightens refugees returning home   The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) has been shocked to hear that a 61-year old Bosnian refugee returning home was murdered on Thursday in the town of Srebrenica. She was killed with a blunt…  
6674. Erneutes Gewaltverbrechen verängstigt Rückkehrer   Erschüttert muss die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass eine 61 Jahre alte bosniakische Rückkehrerin am Donnerstag in der Gemeinde Srebrenica ermordet worden ist. Sie…  
6675. German poison gas firms must also be brought to justice!   Following the announcement of a second trial for the overthrown Iraqi head of state Saddam Hussein for genocide and crimes against humanity the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) called today for…  
6676. Auch deutsche Giftgas-Firmen müssen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden!   Nach der Ankündigung eines zweiten Prozesses gegen den gestürzten irakischen Staatschef Saddam Hussein wegen Völkermordes und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte…  
6677. Mehr als 100 Kurden bei kurdischem Neujahrsfest verhaftet   Der 19 Jahre alte kurdische Rekrut Mohammed Othman ist während seines Militärdienstes in der vergangenen Woche zu Tode gequält worden. Wie ein zuverlässiger Gewährsmann aus Syrien der Gesellschaft…  
6678. Written Statement - Item 15 of the provisional agenda   INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN THE ARCTIC THREATENED BY CLIMATE CHANGE Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic threatened by climate change The Society for Threatened Peoples wishes to draw attention to the…  
6679. Written Statement - Item 14 (c) of the provisional agenda   MASS EXODUSES AND DISPLACED PERSONS: RETURN OF REFUGEES AND IDPS IN BOSNIA Mass exoduses and displaced persons: Return of refugees and IDPs in Bosnia According to Annex VII of the Dayton Peace…  
6680. Written Statement - Item 14 (b) of the provisional agenda   MINORITIES IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN AND TURKEY Minorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey The Society for Threatened Peoples is deeply disturbed by the human rights situation…