
1376 Ergebnisse:
831. Falun Gong   … - Asien - Falun Gong ist eine aus China stammende religiöse Bewegung, die sich weltweit verbreitet hat.  Weitere Informationen zu Falun Gong Header Foto: Eric Parker via Flickr  
URL: de/informieren/themen/asien/voelker/falun-gong/
Datum: 14-11-18
Prozentuale Relevanz: 20
832. Fairplanet and the Society for Threatened Peoples in Berlin present their joint campaign for peace in Darfur   … has once more promised to allow the stationing of several hundred UN peace-keeping troops in Darfur. China has for the first time used its political influence to bring Khartoum to agree on this, however it…  
833. Executions continue - What has happened to the political prisoner Mahmoud Ghorbanpour?   … even informed of the execution and they learn of it only later through the media. Iran is second to China in the frequency of the death penalty. According to Amnesty International 388 executions took place…  
834. Evenken in Russland von Staudammbau bedroht   … noch gibt, leben nur etwa 8.000 in ihrem autonomen Kreis. Der Rest ist weit über Jakutien, China und die Mongolei verstreut, ein Umstand, der zu einer Isolierung der einzelnen evenkischen Gruppen…  
URL: de/news/evenken-in-russland-von-staudammbau-bedroht-945/
Datum: 28-03-09
Prozentuale Relevanz: 5
835. Europe’s politicians avoid contact with the Dalai Lama – demonstrate their own weakness in Europe’s human rights politics   … of this massive persecution Europe’s politicians should display more firmness towards Peking and not allow China’s leaders to dictate to them to whom they should speak.” But it is not only leading politicians in…  
836. Europe’s cosmetics manufacturers must prohibit trade with parts of the body of persons executed in China!   … manufacturers must do all they can to prohibit the trade with parts of the body of those executed in China. This demand was made by the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) on the International Day against the…  
837. European Union ignores victims of the Chinese economic boom   … suffering under the consequences of the economic boom in the industrial zones on the east coast of China. In their areas the repression from Peking is constantly increasing in order to maximize without…  
838. European Union ignores victims of the Chinese economic boom   … suffering under the consequences of the economic boom in the industrial zones on the east coast of China. In their areas the repression from Peking is constantly increasing in order to maximize without…  
839. Europe has a share in responsibility for the escalation in Tibet   … share in responsibility for the escalation in Tibet. "The European governments have out of deference to China’s leaders ignored all warnings of an outbreak of the conflict to be expected in Tibet”, said the GfbV…  
840. Europas Regierungen ignorieren größte Verfolgung seit der chinesischen Kulturrevolution   … Vor genau elf Jahren begann die blutige Verfolgung der Meditationsbewegung Falun Gong in China (20.07.1999). Daran hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Dienstag erinnert und gleichzeitig die europäischen…